Aquinas Apartments
Location: 975 East Tremont-Bronx, NY
Job Details: 640 Northern Double Hung/Picture/Hopper Windows
Completed: October 2014
Dix Avenue
Location: 2229/2237/2245/2251/2259 Dix Ave-Far Rockaway, NY
Job Details: 900 Northern Side-load Windows
Completed: June 2014
Location: 70 Ferris Ave-White Plains, NY
Job Details: 655 Northern Double Hung Windows
Completed: May 2014
Ocean Club-Phase 2
Location: 100 West Broadway Long Beach, NY
Job Details: 100 Northern Sliding Windows & 30 Terrace Swing Doors
Completed: May 2014
Tracey Towers
Location: 20 & 40 West Moshulu Parkway-Bronx, NY
Job Details: 3,500 Northern Sliding Windows & 900 Terrace Swing Doors
Completed: November 2013
Newark phase 4
Location: 120 & 130 Dayton & 27 Foster-Newark NJ
Job Details: 1,770 Northern Double Hung Windows with Trickle-Vents & 145 Terrace Swing Doors
Completed: December 2013
Newark phase 3
Location: 839 Frelinghuysen & 46 Evergreen-Newark, NJ
Job Details: 1,125 Northern Double Hung Windows with Trickle-vents & 60 Terrace Swing Doors
Completed: October 2013
Location: 80 East Hartsdale Ave-Hartsdale, NY
Job Details: 1000 Northern Double Hung/Sliders/Casement Windows & 16 Sliding Doors
Completed: February 2013
James Baxter Elderly-Newark phase 2
Location: 9 & 25 Summit Ave-Newark, NJ
Job Details: 1,100 Northern Double Hung Windows & 175 Terrace Swing Doors
Completed: November 2012
Central Court
Location: 2195 North Central Ave-Fort Lee, NJ
Job Details: 625 Northern Double Hung Windows
Completed: October 2012